Hello everyone. This is Greg. Is this the same font color as the last post? I'm not sure it is, but oh well. So I'm going to tell you about today. It was the most driving of our entire trip. Google Maps and our GPS disagreed on the length of travel, but I'll tell you we left at about 11 AM (after a short detour drive to Mount Rushmore) and finished at 12:30 AM, and that's with very few stops.
Mount Rushmore was cool to see. There isn't much to do there once you see it though, so it didn't take very long. We had Lily waiting in the car and the other two pets waiting back at our hotel. We also learned that they are carving out a gigantic Crazy Horse that won't be done until 2050 and can fit an 5 bedroom house in the horse's nostril, so we'll want to come back someday to see that. After all this driving, the states and days are starting to all seem the same to me. That might also be because they look similar anyway. During the day, we run the A/C in the car to make it somewhat tolerable, but the Honda does this weird thing where it leaks water all over the passenger seat's floor when it's on.
There isn't much to say about the drive today. (For Little House on the Prairie Fans, we did pass by the Laura Ingalls Wilder home site in South Dakota! Oh, and we saw a very tiny town still intact from the 1800s. That's something to say about the drive!) We didn't set foot at all in Minnesota. We drove right on through at 80-85 mph in the 75 mph zone. We crossed over the Mississippi River, which would have been really cool if it wasn't pitch black outside. Street lights are so rare around here. Also, we noticed that drivers from Utah and Illinois are the worst. They are huge speedsters and will risk their lives to get in front of you. Seriously, seriously, seriously! Some of these drivers must have a death wish.
Let's see...oh! We're changing our route. Instead of another long drive to Buffalo tomorrow, we're doing a "short" 8 hour drive to Dayton, Ohio. Erin will be doing most of the driving, since I did most of it today (She was complaining about "restless leg syndrome" or something. I don't ask questions. I just go along with it.) My shins were hurting very badly!!! Greg was the one who told me it was probably restless leg syndrome! Then, we'll have an even shorter drive to Pittsburgh the following day. We figured we can see Niagara Falls anytime since we'll be living only a couple hours away.
Well, I guess that's all for today. We're in our hotel in Madison, Wisconsin. Now I have to wait for Erin to proofread and approve this blog before I can post it. Pictures will come later! Proofreading complete. Thoughts added. Time for bed!
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