"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do.
So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor.
Catch the trade winds in your sails.
~Mark Twain

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Kitchen Experiments of Erin & Greg

A couple days ago, Greg and I flipped through our cookbooks to find a new recipe to make. We settled one I had received as a gift a few years back from my Dad and Karen. We typically stick with chicken, so we flipped to the poultry section. Greg said we should just start from the beginning; we actually decided to start with chicken recipe number two: Pollo Relleno.

Cooking Experience Gained:
  • There are certain techniques for flattening chicken breasts.
  • White asparagus are not as good as green (We picked those for our side).
  • Never cut jalapeƱos without wearing gloves. Because of this lack of experience, I not only cut them, but I used my fingertips to help scoop out the veins and seeds. As a result, I spent the following 24 hours (minus the seven or so hours I slept) pushing my fingertips onto cold surfaces. This resulted in several trips to the fridge to swap the soy milk for the ice-cream container then for the half-gallon of apple cider.

The result was fantastic. The breading on the chicken (a mixture of taco seasoning and corn meal) was yummy, and the insides were perfectly spicy and wonderfully cheesy.

Would we make this again?

Definitely, gloves included.

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